The Arkansas High Performance Computing Center is a core research facility at the University of Arkansas and provides high performance computing hardware, storage, and support services including training and education to enable computationally intensive research at the university and within the state as well as collaborators elsewhere. The AHPCC, through its association with the National Science Foundation’s Extreme Science and Engineering Digital Environment (XSEDE) and XSEDE Campus Champions programs, also assists researchers in acquiring and using resources at national supercomputer centers.
HPC-related research is supported in part by the following grants: National Science Foundation grants #0722625, #0959124, #0963249, #0918970; a grant from the Arkansas Science and Technology Authority.

Mission, Vision and Goals
AHPCC strives to substantially enhance the productivity of a growing community of researchers, engineers, and scholars through seamless access and integration to computational resources that support open research; and to coordinate and add significant value to the research and discovery effort.
The AHPCC envisions an academic community of digitally enabled researchers, engineers, and scholars participating in multidisciplinary collaborations to more effectively and efficiently understand and improve societal challenges.
Deepen and extend the use of the computational research services ecosystem by further increasing use by existing researchers, engineers, and scholars, extending use to new communities, and preparing the current and next generation via education, training, and outreach as well as raising the general awareness of the value of computational resources for research.
Advance the computational research services ecosystem by creating an open and evolving e-infrastructure and enhancing the array of tools, lowering the barrier of efficient usage by new users, and extending the technical expertise and support services offered including close collaboration with researchers on key projects.
Sustain the computational research services ecosystem by assure and maintain a reliable and secure infrastructure, provide excellent user support services, and operate an effective and innovative core research facility