Industrial Engineering
Industrial Engineering researchers are using the HPC to solve optimization models and build predictive models for systems arising in numerous applications, including transportation and logistics, manufacturing, homeland security, healthcare, and reliability. Because these problems can be very difficult to solve, our research examines not only how to apply these models in practice, but how to improve existing mathematical and computational methodologies for solving these problems.

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Heydari, M. and K. M. Sullivan. An Integrated Approach to Redundancy Allocation and Test Planning for Reliability Growth. Computers & Operations Research, 92: 182 – 193, 2018.
Heydari, M. and K. M. Sullivan. Robust Allocation of Testing Resources in Reliability Growth. Accepted for publication in Reliability Engineering & System Safety.
Baycik, N. O. and K. M. Sullivan. Robust Location of Hidden Interdictions on a Shortest Path Network. IISE Transactions, 51(12): 1332 – 1347.
Gedik R, Rainwater C.E., Nachtmann H.L., Pohl E.A. Analysis of a parallel machine scheduling problem with sequence dependent setup times and job availability intervals. European Journal of Operational Research, 251(2): 640-50, 2016.
Baycik, N.O., Sharkey, T.C. and Rainwater, C.E., 2018. Interdicting layered physical and information flow networks. IISE Transactions, 50(4): 316-331, 2018.
Gedik, R., Kirac, E., Milburn, A.B. and Rainwater, C.E. A constraint programming approach for the team orienteering problem with time windows. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 107: 178-195, 2017.
Enayaty-Ahangar, F., Rainwater, C.E. and Sharkey, T.C. A logic based decomposition approach for multi-period network interdiction models, Omega, 87: 71-85, 2019.