Sponsor Approval
The following are the use policies and rules that apply to all users of the High Performance Computing (HPC) resources at the University of Arkansas. Please review them prior to completing the form.
- Users of HPC resources will abide by the University of Arkansas Code of Computing Practices.
- Users are solely responsible for the security of their programs and data. Users are responsible for backing up critical data. File systems and archival storage systems are very reliable. However, data can be lost or damaged due to media failures, software bugs, hardware failures, and other problems.
- Users who have not accessed a UofA HPC system in 6 months will have their login account disabled for security reasons. An account set up for a student in a course will be disabled at the end of the course.
- Disabled accounts can be reinstated by submitting a support request.
- Users agree to include a line similar to the following in presentations and published works as acknowledgment of NSF-funded resources: This research is supported by the Arkansas High Performance Computing Center, multiple National Science Foundation grants, and the Arkansas Economic Development Commission.
- Every user of NSF-funded HPC resources is required to report the outcome of his use of the resources once each year for inclusion in the annual report to the National Science Foundation, from where we have the funding for our resources. According to NSF guidelines, this report should include:
- research activities and findings, names and affiliations of personnel working with you on the project, research products (e.g., publications, theses, project reports, software, patents, presentations) and a summary of contributions within the discipline, to other disciplines, to human resource development, to resources for research and education, and contributions beyond science and engineering. The broader impacts should be clearly described. In addition, all new grants and contracts resulting from research on the resources should be reported.
- The report may be submitted by the Project Leader on behalf of the users in his group. The report from users and Project Leaders is due upon request during the year to meet deadlines for various NSF Reports.
- Each Project Leader is asked to provide a “lay person description" of the research that can be used in an NSF Highlight or Nugget as requested by the National Science Foundation. Responsiveness to NSF on items like this increases our probability for future funding.